A Winter's Embrace Retreat
Receive the Gifts of our Season for Stillness
Rest, Reflection and Re-creation for Women
February 14 to 17, 2020 in Pinawa, MB

This February, spend three easeful days and three cozy nights in the stillness of the winter season. Take the time and the space to do what the season of winter calls us to do; retreat, rest, reflect, recover, recreate.
Experience the quiet and connection at the Nurtured by Nature Retreat and Playhouse on the edge of the Whiteshell, where the prairie meets the forest.
Signs that may be telling you to be open to receive winter's embrace:

You feel like you never really got a chance to recover from the hectic time of the holiday season of December and January...and the September rush before that...and the party/vacation mode of the summer before that and...
You love spending time with your family and friends but it would be so nice to have a break from living up to being the person they expect you to be.
You've experienced a major life transition/loss (retirement, career change, end of a significant relationship, loss of a loved one, etc.) and you just need time and space to be with your feelings without the pressure of having to fix anything.
You have an underlying thought of "I'm not good enough" or "I don't fit" as a result of too much time on social media and playing the comparison game (this is the one I'm most guilty of).
You could continue to ignore these signs and keep pushing forward. That's what the most common messages in our culture tell us to do; have more, do more, be more.
But what could happen if you claimed the space and time for reflection, appreciation and recovery? If you actually experienced winter as intended?

When you're in a community of other like-spirited women and realize that you're not alone in your thinking, the fundamental needs of being understood and belonging are met.
Life, as it is, begins to feel like it's enough.
You become clearer on what's most important to you which allows you to better discern where to direct your energy.
Your capacity for acceptance and compassion for both yourself and the people around you expands.

Do you feel the embrace yet?

Small group environment​. Many retreats I've seen have groups sized from anywhere between 8 and 80. The more participants, the more noise and distraction. The bigger the group, the easier it is to "hide" from the invitations or questions that may be the key to your growth and/or healing. That does not fit my definition of retreat.
We will keep our space limited to four participants plus Amy (my partner) and me, Patti Phillips (life coach and retreat guide), as your hosts and facilitator. Get to know us a bit here, if you like.
I believe in order to create the atmosphere of stillness and ease, this small group size is necessary. The benefit to participants is having a private bedroom, access to me if an informal 1-on-1 coaching conversation is desired, and an opportunity to make deep connections with each other.
Pre-retreat: You will be provided with the Explore Life Retreat Guide prior to the retreat to help you set your personal intentions for your time at Nurtured by Nature.
Three easeful days and three cozy nights embraced by the winter season, both metaphorically and actually. The guided, intentional group discussions offer an opportunity for reflection and learning of the value of slowing down and being still. The free time and outdoor experiences invite you to embrace the unique elements of winter; snow, long nights, hibernation from the cold, clear bright skies, northern lights (if we're really lucky).
A range of guided and informal learning discussions and experiences
creating a shared vision for the week-end​
facilitated sharing circles
painting (think kids poster making)
appreciative inquiry
Nature Therapy walks
informal coaching during free time
Recreation activities, both indoors and outdoors.
Home-style accommodations and meals​
of course we'll be staying at Nurtured by Nature Retreat and Playhouse in Pinawa (check out the TOUR page of this website)
private bedroom in hotel quality bed (linens and towels supplied)
As well as being your retreat facilitator, I'm also your home cook who likes to provide whole food meals. I may not be able to accommodate all special dietary needs. However, in consultation and with your contribution I'll do my best to meet your nutritional needs.
indoor and outdoor shared spaces
indoor and outdoor quiet spaces
wifi and tv free zone
resident pets (1 dog and 1 cat)
Access to recreation resources for your free time and our shared outdoor experiences
walking and cross-country ski trails (we have a couple of sets of loner skis if you wear a size 6 or 9 boot or bring your own)
The Wonder Woods
fat tire bikes
library of personal growth books
adult colouring books
table games
other people to play with
support from Amy and me
some extra cold weather clothing (let us know what you need)
Pre-retreat informal interview/intake. Because of the small group size, shared space, and condensed time frame, my hope is to bring together four like-spirited women who will best embrace the essence of the Winter's Embrace Retreat.Therefore I will be doing informal interviews as part of the registration process. It may sound somewhat controlling but if you've ever spent a weekend in a group with just one person who isn't aligned with the others, the atmosphere is definitely not easeful. For those of you who end up attending the retreat, my guess is, you'll thank me.
We'll get on the phone for 30 minutes or so at a time that works for both of us. You'll get a chance to share your motivation to attend, your expectations, what you'd like to contribute to the group, past experiences of retreats, and any questions you may have. In past experience, the conversation itself will let us know if there's a good fit.
Contact me by email to request your interview, when you're ready (but before January 25).

The retreat takes place on the Louis Riel long week-end. Arrive on the afternoon of Friday, February 14 and Depart on Monday, February 17 by 2:00 pm.
It's important to commit fully to the retreat but if the only way you can attend is by arriving a little late or leaving a little early, that can be accommodated. The week-end is meant to relieve stress, not add stress.
Retreat Agenda
Check-in between 3 and 5 pm
Welcome and Opening session
Free time
Group Circle - Exploring the meaning of Winter's Embrace
Fireside Reflection
Healing Play Circle
Healing Play Activity
Free time
Seasons Circle
Fireside Reflection
Free time
Embracing Winter Experience
Free time
Growing forward Circle
Fireside Reflection
Forest Therapy Walk
Closing Ceremony
Check out by 2 pm
Cost and What's Included
The investment for the Winter's Embrace Retreat is $795.
That covers everything you need to support rest, recovery and recreation:
three nights single room accommodations
nine home-cooked, whole food meals
a small community of women that has been consciously gathered who share common intentions
a gently monitored environment to keep intentions on track
Ten facilitated discovery and learning sessions, both indoors and outdoors
access to all recreation resources listed above
Your payment plan will be discussed after we've had our person to person conversation and confirmed that the retreat will align with your needs.
Contact me by email to request your consult.
Remember there are only 4 spots available and at least 2 spots must be filled for the retreat to take place. The deadline to have your consult/interview is January 28.