
In today’s busy world it can be challenging to find the space to feel at peace, hear yourself think, be with your full range of feelings, or simply to breathe deeply.
Maybe you feel tired more than you feel energized. Inspiration, direction and connection are often hard to come by. You notice that obligations are getting in the way of you doing the things that truly matter to you. When’s the last time you felt a real sense of contentment with your life and let yourself play with the freedom of a child?
Chances are it’s not that you don’t know what you want or what’s good for your soul. But somehow your routines get in the way and it’s hard to break free of your habits. The people around you have come to expect you to be a certain way and it seems impossible to change, even if you are being called to do so.
How do you find the space for your own joy, growth and heart healing?
Where do you practice being brave and building the courage to show up as you are, vulnerabilities, flaws, challenges and a full range of emotions?
At the Nurtured by Nature Retreat and Playhouse, we’ve created a peaceful, safe, easy to access space for women to show up authentically. It's a space for us as women to retreat from everyday life, escape from the demands of living up to unrealistic social expectations placed upon us, and honour the inner whisper that says “I need to be taken care of, too”.
It's also a brave space with an environment that calls you to to make conscious choices, share your thoughts and feelings, and supports you to take action steps for your personal growth.
We believe in the healing power of nature, the authentic value of play, and growing compassion through personal connection. As modern research and ancient practices reveal, exposure to nature contributes to human healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. To us, play is like oxygen and it’s what puts life into living. Witnessing and sharing stories within a safe community builds compassion for others, for ourselves and the natural world.


If you can relate to the above and want to know more about what's actually offered, our RETREAT page will give you a sense of our offerings.

If you'd like to get a feel for the physical space, the TOUR page has lots of pictures of both the inside and outside spaces.
Curious about what can be created just for you and your needs? Contact Patti to explore what's possible. patti@pattiphillips.ca or call 431-998-1410